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June 03, 2004
I'm Back!
Well, I fee like I've been away much too long, but I have had a million things to do and a trillion things to think about. But, I have decided, after much debate, to start writing here again.
First off, the Bahamas cruise was awesome, probably one of the best vacations I have ever been on besides Europe. I highly recommend to everyone that you save up some money and go on a cruise- the food, the entertainment, the casinos, the drinks, the sun, all of it was amazing!! It's no wonder it seemed like the world fell apart when I got back. The above picture is of me floating in the ocean (yes, I can swim, the life vest is because it was some sort of water obstacle course thing I was in ). Al in all a fabulous time.
Secondly, school is almost done. I don't know where the year went, but it went fast. Hopefully I will accomplish a lot this summer. I have a lot of plans for work that needs to be done on my house, as well as a series of paintings I have been putting off too long that I would like to start. Summer always seems to go by even faster than school, so I hope to be able to employ super-organization skills!!
So, I hope everyone is well, I will post more cruise pics soon, as well as more of my endless twisted viewpoints of things that pass by me!
Posted by ahuckle at June 3, 2004 08:16 AM
I love this photo. :)
Posted by: Anna at June 3, 2004 09:00 AM
Thank you! I debated on whether or not to put it up!
Posted by: Adam at June 3, 2004 10:20 AM
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