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May 06, 2004

"New York, New York It's A Wonderful Town..."

So, my trip to New York City last weekend was so awesome! I had a really good time, did a lot of stuff and caught up with people I hadn't seen in a long time. I was thrilled to see my cousin Lily and her husband Bingo, as I don't get to see them very often. Bingo's band Atomic # 76 has a new CD out, you should click the link and check out their website, they are pretty cool. Friday night I got to catch up with my friend Nate who I hadn't seen in years and we caught up with some NYC bars that I hadn't seen in years. The next day I went to my friend Anna's wedding reception at a new restaurant on Avenue of the America's and 8th Street called Gobo. The food was awesome, it was all organic vegetarian and made me want to eat that way forever! They even have organic wine and the best iced tea! I also got to meet alot of Anna's friends who were all very cool and we had the best conversations. After the reception, I met up with my friend Randi from college, and we went shopping (I bought two dress shirts and a tie from Express) and out to eat for sushi at a restaurant called Yaba. The portions were so big I couldn't finish them, which is a shame as I do not get sushi very often. Finally, that evening I went with Lily and Bingo to a club called Opaline in Alphabet City to see our friend Steve's boyfriend's band New Radio, who were excellent! After a small amount of slep, I got up early Sunday morning and caugt the train home. The funniest part is that there was a huge bike race all the way down 6th Avenue,and the cab had to let me off 3 blocks from Penn Station, and as I got to 6th Avenue I had to cross the street and there was a continuous line of bikers, so I had to race across weaving in and out like a live version of the video game Frogger! I thought I was going to get run over or make some biker crash. It was not a great way to start the morning. All in all a great trip!

Posted by ahuckle at May 6, 2004 10:41 AM


Sounds like fun, I tell ya.

Posted by: Nate at May 6, 2004 11:37 AM

Hey buddy, I wrote about how profoundly your visit affected me... >sniff<... beautiful, man.... See you again in 5 years! ;)

Posted by: Nate at May 7, 2004 12:25 AM

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