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May 13, 2004

Haute Couture And A Hot Trip!


Oh how I wish I could be in London to see the Vivienne Westwood retrospective at the Victoria & Albert Museum. I have always adored Westwood's work from her early punk stuff with Malcolm McLaren to her wonderful platforms and corsets of the 90's. When I was in London in 1995 the V&A Museum had a wonderful retrospective of fashion from 1900 to the present. It is just such an awesome museum I would highly recommend to anyone who is going to be in London to check it out.
In other news at 2:30 a.m. I will be leaving to go to the Bahamas on a cruise for the weekend. I will be chaperoning a school trip but it should still be a lot of fun! I have never been on a cruise so I don't know what to expect, I hope I don't get eaten by stingrays! I will post all about the trip when I get back.

Posted by ahuckle at May 13, 2004 08:55 PM


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