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May 07, 2004

An Uneasy Feeling

I read this on Moby's website this morning and was so appalled and disturbed that I decided to copy and paste it here so people who read my site can see what our current government is all about.



Laura Lonneman (Cincinnati, OH) k02ll01@kzoo.edu (269) 337-5898
Ted Hufstader (Toledo, OH) k02th03@kzoo.edu (269)267-4523
Leah Busch (Cincinnati, OH)
Shanna Barkume (Detroit, MI)
Lisa Dallacqua (Detroit, MI)
Julia VanAusdall (Cincinnati, OH) k02jv01@kzoo.edu (269) 552-5051

In an effort to expose ourselves to the wider spectrum of politics in our country and educate ourselves for the election this coming fall, a group of students from Kalamazoo College obtained tickets and went to see President Bush speak Monday, May 3rd, at Wings Stadium. Our group includes coordinators of a bilingual mentoring program, members of the non-violence student organization, athletes, and work-study employees. On the 3rd of May, we canceled our work-study hours, moved up exams, and missed classes to hear the President speak.

Unfortunately, our group was denied entrance to the event after being identified by members of the Kalamazoo College Republicans (who were volunteering at the event) as "potential threats." Our classmates knew that we were not Bush supporters and that many of us have engaged in non-violent political protest. Because of their suspicion of our political histories and motivation for attending the event, they refused to allow us to enter, and the police forcefully removed us from the site.

In a functional democracy, individuals from all perspectives are involved in debate and discussion so that solid policy can be formed. The way to form solid policy is not to surround oneself with only likeminded citizens, but rather to interact with a wide range of people and opinions. It was in this spirit of open debate that we sought to hear our president speak.

We showed the event organizers our photo IDs and learned that we were on "the list" to attend the event. As we approached, several Kalamazoo College Republican members acted astonished that we had tickets and asked us how we got them. We replied that we had obtained the tickets from the Chamber of Commerce in downtown Kalamazoo.

The Kalamazoo College Republicans then alerted the event security staff about our presence. We waited in line to enter and event security told us that we had been identified as "potential threats" and had to leave. Their excuses were numerous-- they said we failed background checks, that we were planning to protest, and that we were on a Secret Service list of people who were likely to cause a "disturbance." We all demanded to see this "list" and wanted to know who told them this information. They told us "hearsay is enough to be escorted from the premises." The event security proceeded to tell us that we would be arrested if we did not leave immediately.

We remained and again demanded to see this "list," saying that we had never been informed the President's speech was a "private" event and that, as citizens, we merely sought to hear our President speak. We inquired why we were considered "threats." The police arrived, and under the threat of arrest, we allowed them to escort us down the road and out of sight of Wings Stadium.

What is truly frightening about this incident is that we were "blacklisted" by our college peers. Furthermore, we feel misled and misinformed because we had no prior knowledge that the event, for a sitting president, was private and that the Republican event organizers held the right to deny us entry. On our liberal arts campus, which promotes community-building and open political discussion, these acts illustrate a shocking example of a blind loyalty and obedience to the Republican Party and, ultimately, the President. The Republican Party succeeded in socializing these College Republican volunteers to enforce the "blacklisting" and profiling of their own college classmates. Unfortunately, this event highlights a trend towards extreme political polarization and blind party loyalty in the United States-no matter the party affiliation. The same unfounded fear and suspicion that led to "blacklisting" people in the past is starting to become a regular trend once again in our own backyards.'

Posted by ahuckle at May 7, 2004 09:06 AM


Yeah... annoying.

Posted by: Nate at May 7, 2004 04:35 PM

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