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April 12, 2004

"Let's Get Physical, Physical....."

I have started back to the gym now that I am recovered from my health problems earlier this year and all I can say is what a difference exercise makes! I ran 5 miles at the gym today, the longest I have ever run, and I was surprised at how well I felt afterward. The one good thing I can say about my kidney stones is that I lost a lot of weight (I guess pain makes me less hungry) so I had a good jumping off point for the gym. However I would not choose to lose weight this way again. I hope once the summer months come around that I have the determination to keep up the exercise!

Posted by ahuckle at April 12, 2004 11:22 PM


Let me hear your body talk, you big boy you. I'm really into the "songs gone past"... I like "Xanadu" (the movie and the song) and was recently somehow thinking of the song, "Hot child in the city" (different artist, I realize), so I was right on board with your title here when I saw it... "Let's get physical"... yeah! Only problem I have with it is that I'm sedantary and I guess I like it that way. I can't get myself to put on a leoretard and do cardio these days. I can put on my jammies and drink alcohol, though.

Posted by: Jimi "The Nate" Hendrix at April 15, 2004 03:05 AM

Well, I don't wear a leotard, but I have to exercise, even though I am not crazy about it! If I didn't, I would weigh 300 lbs! I have never seen Xanadu, but I do like that song Hot Child in the City, as well as old Diana Ross and other songs from the 70's and 80's. I really love Harper Valley PTA, no matter how corny that might seem!

Posted by: Adam at April 15, 2004 07:45 PM

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