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April 29, 2004
Adirondack Life
I just talked with my contact from "Adirondack Life Magazine" and she said that my pictures for the "Cool Summer Jobs In The Adirondacks" spread that I did came out very well. I am very excited! This will be the fourth time I have had my photographs published with them and this is my second large spread with them. They are a great magazine to work for with an amazing and supportive staff. The spread will be out in the July/August Issue which will hit the stands in June- check it out!
Posted by ahuckle at 09:56 AM | Comments (4)
April 28, 2004
Hubert Selby Jr. 1928-2004
Author, screenwriter and sometimes actor Hubert Selby Jr. died in Los Angeles Monday of chronic obstructive pulmonary diesease. He was 75 years old. I know him best from his role as author and screenwriter of the Daniel Aronofsky film "Requiem For A Dream" which is one of the most disturbing, intrigueing and beautifully shot films about drug addiction I have ever seen. I was totally floored when I first watched this film, mostrly because the beauty of the film contrasts so strongly with the darkness of the subject matter. I will admit that I have not read much of Selby's work, but when reading his obituary I became aware of the fact that he also wrote "Last Exit To Brooklyn", which was turned into another brilliant film. Definitely a great loss to popular culture.
Posted by ahuckle at 01:45 PM | Comments (0)
April 26, 2004
What's The Skinny?
I am going on a cruise in 3 weeks. I should be joyful about this and I am, except for my issues about my appearance. I will admit that I look good fully dressed. I am not too sure about my appearance in just swimming trunks however. I have been going to the gym, and I am seeing some results, but I'm not sure if I will ever achive the physique I so desire. I am afraid it is just not in my genetic plan. I may just have to settle for just being healthy, which is a good thing, but somehow just not enough. I spent the first part of my life being way too thin, and then once I was the proper weight I have spent the rest of the time feeling too fat. I just want a hot body!! Is that too much to ask??
In other news, I did a lot of lawn work this weekend. This is the first time I have owned a lawn and it is a lot of work to take care of one, yet it is worth it. My mom has been helping me fertilize the lawn, set up planters and plant bulbs. I am in the process right now of getting my garage and my basement all cleaned out, as the former occupents left all sorts of worthless junk in both places. I have enough various lawn and bug poisons and other chmicals to wipe out my whole town if I were to be so cruel and devious, which I am not.
I also must announce the arrival of Sonny and Cher, my two new parakeets. Their owner was relocating and they needed a home, so they have come to live with me! I love them, they are a lot of fun and very talkative, and I will try to post pictures of them this week, if I have time before I go to NYC for my friend Anna's wedding.
Posted by ahuckle at 01:30 PM | Comments (6)
April 20, 2004
Home Again
Well, I am back from New Hampshire, a day late due to a severe case of food poisoning that me and my hosts contracted. I have not been that sick in a long, long time! Beware Applebees! All in all though, it was a great trip. I was thrilled to see Allison and Jeff and hang out with there friends Friday night and Allison's brother. Saturday was a nice relaxing day, and Sunday we headed into Boston for some shopping, and I got to go to one of my favorite music stores, Newbury Comics where I found the latest two Diamanda Galas releases that have been very hard to locate in this country. I also was able to see my friend Sara who lives in Boston and who I have not sen in a very long time. Over all, an enjoyable and relaxing trip.
Posted by ahuckle at 06:27 PM | Comments (0)
April 15, 2004
"We're Off To See The Wizard..."
Tomorrow I am off on a long overdue trip to New Hampshire to see my friends Allison and Jeff. It has been a year since I have traveled anywhere and 5 years since I have been to New Hampshire. I may also make a stop in Boston to see my friend Sara! I am so excited for the rest and relaxation that I will probably not sleep at all tonight! I will post about my trip when I return on Monday.
Posted by ahuckle at 07:49 PM | Comments (1)
April 12, 2004
"Let's Get Physical, Physical....."
I have started back to the gym now that I am recovered from my health problems earlier this year and all I can say is what a difference exercise makes! I ran 5 miles at the gym today, the longest I have ever run, and I was surprised at how well I felt afterward. The one good thing I can say about my kidney stones is that I lost a lot of weight (I guess pain makes me less hungry) so I had a good jumping off point for the gym. However I would not choose to lose weight this way again. I hope once the summer months come around that I have the determination to keep up the exercise!
Posted by ahuckle at 11:22 PM | Comments (2)
"I Like Chicken I Like Liver"
This story is unbelievable! This cat is so fat I just can't believe my eyes! I'm sure the owner thought they were doing a loving thing but this cat is like those people you see who have to be cut out of their homes!
Posted by ahuckle at 03:21 PM | Comments (6)
April 06, 2004
"What Larks Pip, What Larks!"
This is what we do for fun sometimes at work to while away the hours! What entertainment!
Posted by ahuckle at 08:46 PM | Comments (2)
Can You Imagine?
Talk about unbelievable dedication! Apparantly a 40 year old pregnant woman in Mexico on Tuesday gave herself a caesarean section after going into labor at home and experiencing complications! She had 3 shots of hard liquor for pain killer! I can't even imagine the will it must take to make that decision! After she was done she sent one of her other children for a local nurse who sewed her up with cotten thread! Unbelievable!
Posted by ahuckle at 08:24 PM | Comments (0)