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April 28, 2004
Hubert Selby Jr. 1928-2004
Author, screenwriter and sometimes actor Hubert Selby Jr. died in Los Angeles Monday of chronic obstructive pulmonary diesease. He was 75 years old. I know him best from his role as author and screenwriter of the Daniel Aronofsky film "Requiem For A Dream" which is one of the most disturbing, intrigueing and beautifully shot films about drug addiction I have ever seen. I was totally floored when I first watched this film, mostrly because the beauty of the film contrasts so strongly with the darkness of the subject matter. I will admit that I have not read much of Selby's work, but when reading his obituary I became aware of the fact that he also wrote "Last Exit To Brooklyn", which was turned into another brilliant film. Definitely a great loss to popular culture.
Posted by ahuckle at April 28, 2004 01:45 PM
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