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April 20, 2004
Home Again
Well, I am back from New Hampshire, a day late due to a severe case of food poisoning that me and my hosts contracted. I have not been that sick in a long, long time! Beware Applebees! All in all though, it was a great trip. I was thrilled to see Allison and Jeff and hang out with there friends Friday night and Allison's brother. Saturday was a nice relaxing day, and Sunday we headed into Boston for some shopping, and I got to go to one of my favorite music stores, Newbury Comics where I found the latest two Diamanda Galas releases that have been very hard to locate in this country. I also was able to see my friend Sara who lives in Boston and who I have not sen in a very long time. Over all, an enjoyable and relaxing trip.
Posted by ahuckle at April 20, 2004 06:27 PM
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