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March 05, 2004
Surgery And Siouxsie
Well, the last few days have been interesting to say the least! I am now at home recovering from surgey that was performed yesterday. You may remember my posts about kidney stones. The surgery I had is called Shock Wave Lithotripsy. It involves focusing sound waves (my doctor said they are equivilant to sonic booms) and shooting them into the kidney to break up the kidney stones. My stone was 5 mm, which is too big to pass naturally. I don't remember much of the procedure because of the sedation, only that when they started that it really hurt so they upped my sedation and then I don't remember anything until they were done! I was very sore and badly bruised yesterday, and it's the same today except I can move around better. I am glad they did not have to cut me. I was in the hospital yeserday from 7 am until 11:30 am and was very glad when they let my father bring me home. Apparantly I had some sort of reaction to the sedation and laughed hysterically as the wheeled me down the hall to the operating room, or so my father says, as I don't remember this. They must think I am a lunatic! Once again, thank you to all of you who have expressed concern and well wishes to me throughout all of this.
On a much happier note, The Creatures website posted a new tour on Wednesday called An Evening with Siouxsie. According to the site it will be a 2 hour show in smaller venues encompassing songs from both The Banshees catalog and The Creatures catalog of songs as well as new material from The Creatures new album Hai. Ex Kodo-Drummer Leanord Eto will be a guest on the tour and will be performing on the songs from Hai as well as others. I am so excited about this tour as Siouxsie Sioux is one of my all time favorite performers! I am even more excited about the fact that there are two shows in NYC, June 8 & 9 at the B.B. King Blues Club & Grill. I can't wait to get down to the city and see this show! With this tour, the up-coming B-sides box set and re-released albums I am in Siouxsie Heaven!
Posted by ahuckle at March 5, 2004 01:52 PM
Hope your pp is better... now how about those turd pics?!
Posted by: Nate at March 5, 2004 08:07 PM
Posted by: Adam at March 5, 2004 08:15 PM
i'm glad everything turned out ok....it is frightening, but i can pictures you laughing down to the operating room...that must have been a sight!
Posted by: jen at March 9, 2004 01:49 PM
I guess it was a sight, too bad I don't remember! I have to get bcak to you about those pictures too- I haven't forgotten!
Posted by: Adam at March 9, 2004 02:57 PM
cool...thanks...you know writing on this is terrible, once posted i see all my typos...it is such a pet peeve of mine that people can't spell properly and then i end up posting stuff that makes me sound like an idiot...anyway....
Posted by: jen at March 17, 2004 11:32 AM
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