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February 20, 2004

The Horror Revealed!!!

Check out Awful Plastic Surgery! It reveals some truly scary before and after pics of Meg Ryan, Farrah Fawcett, Bruce Jenner, Axl Rose and many, many more! Truly frightening!

Posted by ahuckle at February 20, 2004 01:40 PM


they have sally kellerman there for her hands and that reminds me of jane fonda. jane is a plastic fantasic. ted turner owns a ranch next to a family friend in new mexico and we used to see them a lot when jane and ted were married and holy shit, she scares the crap out of me. her face is all freaky frozen but her hands are all sun spotted and wrinkly. until they can do plastic surgery on the hands i would never get anything done because then they just give you away!

Posted by: lena at February 21, 2004 10:09 AM

That's bad stuff there. I knew Meg Ryan looked different in the previews for that new movie.

Posted by: Nate at February 21, 2004 01:38 PM

I would just wear gloves all the time like Diane Keaton, then no one knows your hands are freakishly spotted.

Posted by: Adam at February 21, 2004 07:46 PM

Diane Keaton actually has all kinds of issues about bodily exposure, which is why she's always up to her neck in clothes and gloves. I saw a documentary on her, and a friend was relaying a story about them going to a hotel pool in Vegas, and she actually got in and went swimming with all of her clothes on.

She's never had any plastic surgery (she's actually totally against it...for now), and I think she looks fantastic. I think her style is terrible, but I love it anyway because she's so eccentric and weird and unconventional. She kind of reminds me of my mom. Except my mother would never wear blue Lennon-specs, thank god!

Posted by: Anna at February 23, 2004 12:05 PM

I thought that might be her issue. I guess I should have clarified, I didn't mean to imply that Diane Keaton had had plastic surgery, I was pretty sure she hadn't. I was just using her covered up hands as an example. She is beautiful, and sometimes I like her style, other times I am appalled, but I applaud her for being unique. Apparantly Butterfly McQueen, who played Prissy in Gone With The Wind, always wore gloves because she had a thing about people touching her. The more people I meet, the less I want to touch them myself.

Posted by: Adam at February 23, 2004 01:47 PM

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