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February 18, 2004
"Resounding Spirit"
A couple of Fridays ago I went to see an exhibit at SUNY Potsdam called "Resounding Spirit: Japanese Contemporary Art Of The 1960's" which was full of amazing work, mostly from the Roland Gibson Gallery archives. The work was very inspiring to me and has given me some future ideas to explore some avenues in art I have never dreamed of exploring. The opening of the show was a performance piece by Japanese artist Ushio Shinohara, a member of the Neo-Dada movement. It was very surreal, here was this 70 year old Japanese man with a mohawk, wearing boxing shorts and gloves, who proceeded to dip his gloves in buckets of paint and "box" the canvas! It really was something to behold! the only down side to the whole performance was that someone sitting near had extreme, extreme b.o., to the point where my eyes were watering! I really will never be able to grasp poor hygiene, because it seems to me that unless you are destitute, cleaning one's self should be relatively easy. But, all in all, it was a pleasant evening of art and a show that I recommend anyone locally should see.
Posted by ahuckle at February 18, 2004 11:53 AM
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