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February 20, 2004

Me Me Me!!!

I just added the About Me page to the main site. Check it out. I put on some recently taken pics of myself. I may take them off just as quickly, who knows?

Posted by ahuckle at February 20, 2004 11:31 PM


Hey, did you also discover that Dark & Lovely works great on curly whiteboy hair? I just finally tried that and my hair is perfect. Man, I wish I had known that back in college when I had a curly from shoulder-length mess.

Seeing that your hair is pretty long has convinced me not to cut mine. It's been growing for a year all secret-like under an everyday hat. Slow going, but it's about mouth-length now. I just want it to hang straight and tuck it and that'll be my style for life cuz I can't deal with short hair any more.

Posted by: Nate at February 21, 2004 01:36 PM

I actually had mine striaghtened with an iron, it is still curly, but not as curly as it used to be. I have been growing mine since October, and I am going to keep growing it, then wear it curly and straight. I am glad to hear yours is long again, I always liked your hair long.

Posted by: Adam at February 21, 2004 07:45 PM

Correction! I got mine cut in November and Monica actually saw me waiting as she was coming back from Buttbuster... she can confirm what I'm about to say:

I told the bitch that I was growing my hair and just wanted the ends evened out. Within a minute, she had taken almost 2 inches in length off half of my head! NO SHIT!

She was obviously what is known as a "cunt rag" and was secretly against long-haired males. She didn't ask "is this a good length" or anything. She WENT FOR IT on half of my head. The whole haircut was less than 10 minutes and not what I asked for at all....

I paid her and tipped her $3. Then, after talking with Monica about it and getting a coffee, a full half hour later, I went back and told her I wanted my tip back. She tried to look at me like I was a piece of shit. I forgot what I said, but I basically told her, "You know you didn't do what I asked at all and I wanted to kick your ass." I wish I had the exact words in memory, because it was funny. Like, you would imagine that it was *ME* who looked really stupd, but she was eating her ass as she fell over backwards to give me my pathetic $3. She did try to save face with some comment I didn't hear, but I ruined that for her by putting my middle finger squarely inbetween her eyes approx. 1 inch from her face, whilest backing out slowly and very "fuck-you-ey" with the facial expression.

Posted by: Nate at February 24, 2004 08:22 PM

In case it's not clear in your mind, it was very much like the Seinfeld episode where he always got a "little boy" haircut from that one barber. In fact, that was the haircut that prompted me to buy the "every day hat(s)" and just grow it under lock & key without worrying about any "trims" until it was really fucking long.

At this point, I look like a scum because really long hairs are falling out everywhere, but I'll be damned if I'm going to get another "trim" unless it's some $80 hair douche in the city who I can trust!

Posted by: Nate at February 24, 2004 08:29 PM

I have gone to the same hairdresser now for almost 11 years for the very reason you have described! In the past, I have had experiences where hairdressers have totally not listened, and you want to scream" Are you blind as well as fucking retarded???". I am now terrified to go to anyone but my constant hairdresser, I don't know what I would do if she stopped cutting hair. You are my hero for doing what you did to her, that is so awesome! I wish I could do things like that, but I tell you, I am finding it easier and easier the older I get to just say whatever I want.

Posted by: Adam at February 24, 2004 11:13 PM

Ha, ha! Sorry, I have to tell you this, but that was a prime example of "the elaborate lies of Nathan Snyder."

What really happened is I got a bad haircut, tipped her $3, got coffee and bitched about it all the way home how I shouldn't have paid her.

:) Just wanted to make it more interesting.

Posted by: Nate at February 25, 2004 07:18 AM


Posted by: Adam at February 25, 2004 08:00 AM

C'mon, I know you didn't really believe that tall tale. There's just no polite way to say, "Um, I do believe you are lying your ass off."

Monica's aunt is a big, fat liar, by the way. It's just weird because everybody says behind her back that you can't believe a word of it and then to her face, everyone smiles and nods. I have no idea what to make of her.

Posted by: Nate` at February 25, 2004 12:24 PM

I really did believe you! It was totally something I could see you doing! My gramma used to lie a lot too, I always thought it was funny.

Posted by: Adam at February 25, 2004 12:56 PM

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