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February 10, 2004
"Luke, I Am Your Father"
Well, at long last Lucasfilm has announced that the original "Star Wars" trilogy will be released on DVD on September 21 2004. They are promising all sorts of never before seen footage, remarkable sound and a never before seen documentary on "Star Wars". Sorry to sound like a geek, but I loved "Star Wars" as a child, and I still own all the original toys, so I am eagerly anticipating this!
Posted by ahuckle at February 10, 2004 10:53 AM
call me a dipwad, but I think the new scenes added to Star Wars thus far made it worse. I havea problem with alternate ending, too. Alternate endings make me feel like there's no real ending to a movie for some reason.
Star Wars is cool, though.
Remember Space 1999? I thought it was kind of funny that there's a Gay-Bi Space 1999 fanclub / mailing list here:
Posted by: Nate at February 10, 2004 03:48 PM
Oh yeah, I almost forgot—my favorite is probably Buck Rogers for some reason.
"Beegybeegybeegy, sure thing, Buck!"
Posted by: Nate at February 10, 2004 03:50 PM
I usually have no problem with things added in, some I didn't like, others I did. What alternate ending are you talking about? I don't remember much of Buck Rogers, but I loved Battlestar Galactica! I don't remember Space 1999, I will check it out.
Posted by: Adam at February 10, 2004 04:29 PM
Ok, I checked the site, I don't rmember the show Space 1999, but for some reason I did have the action figures and the lab. Maybe because I was spoiled.
Posted by: Adam at February 10, 2004 04:30 PM
Space 1999 was boring as hell, but being a kid interested in space crap, I also had their toys. I had the dog-shaped spaceship. Which sucked.
Battlestar Galactica was wicked cool for the Cylons (those silver robots with the one red eye that moved back and forth)... but, have you watched it lately? I saw it a couple years ago and was shocked by how boring it was!
Buck Rogers was also boring, but Buck was a joker space stud with a funny robot.
I don't know, I guess I'd like to watch Battlestar Galactica back-to-back with Buck Rogers for the ultimate test!
BTW, do you remember that Cartoon called Battle of The Planets? Man, did that show kick ass. As did Vehicle Voltron.
Posted by: Nate at February 10, 2004 05:28 PM
Nate, I am also totally anti-revisionism on the Star Wars movies, so I really hope Lucas is including the original versions on the DVDs! Have you seen the 'Clerks' cartoon where they accuse him of having written the Phantom Menace in a weekend? Too funny. :D
Posted by: Anna at February 10, 2004 05:30 PM
I don't know who/what Clarks is, but I wish I did! Believe it or not, I only saw one of the new Star Wars movies—the first one, whichever that was, with the ridiculous cartoon Jarjar painted in every scene.
I heard Mr. Lucas is a crybaby about his changes to the films. Supposedly, they will never be released in their original form again. But, some time has passed, so maybe he's come to his senses on that one.
Posted by: Nate at February 10, 2004 07:50 PM
Well guys, he according to www.thedigitalbits.com, he will not release the original versions, which I think is too bad. He considers them unfinished. I seem to be the only person I know who is not anti-revisionist, well, I would be if they wanted to re-do the exorcist, but I don't know, I feel sometomes like there might be something wrong with me and my acceptance of re-visionism. Nate- Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers are kinda boring now, but the cylons wre really cool, so were the singers that had 4 eyes, 2 noses and 2 mouths! I had them on a Battlestar Lunchbox. And I loved Battle of the Planets, especially when it turned out that the bad guy (Zoltar I think) was actualy a woman!
Posted by: Adam at February 11, 2004 08:50 AM
Nate.....it's not "Clarks", it's CLERKS! As in the Kevin Smith movie! A couple of years ago they made a cartoon series (6 episodes, but only 2 were broadcast) based on the movie, and it was SO FUNNY. Much funnier than the movie. You can buy the whole series on DVD:
Adam.....my problem isn't with remakes, really, it's an annoyance with directors like Spielberg and Lucas going back to their early films decades after the fact and changing things for the sake of budget and technology. So much of what made those movies (Star Wars in particular) so great is that they weren't bogged down by what plagues today's action/sci-fi movies. The limitations made them better films! The acting and plot had to be good enough that the audience wouldn't care if the flying effects were crappy or if Yoda's ears didn't move right. The new Star Wars movies suck for the exact same reason...they're boring, nobody cares about the characters. Lucas spent far too much time dwelling on the look rather than the substance, and I hate the idea of him going back and trying to wreck the earlier ones, too.
Have you seen the rumors about what's going on with this DVD?
Posted by: Anna at February 11, 2004 10:07 AM
Anna, I see your point much clearer now! I agree that that is exactly what is wrong with the new Star Wars films, too much image, not enough substance. I have seen that list, and according to official talks with Lucas, he intends to release the 1997 Special Edition versions of the films. Who knows though, but I believe the list of changes you saw (and I have seen before on several websites) is someone's "wish list", and doesn't have a lot of validity.
Posted by: Adam at February 11, 2004 10:23 AM
I may have missed Clerks, but I did see a South Park once where Lucas and Spielberg wanted to ruin all the movies and the kids had to stop them. There were some funny lines like, "it's my movie and I can do whatever I want," and there were some intelligent lines like, "those films belong to all of us." In the end, those dipshits are just destroying their own legacy and you know the reaction has to leave them conflicted inside. But, I bet big heaps of cash make the pain go away.
Posted by: Nate at February 11, 2004 12:01 PM
I bet they do too.
Posted by: Adam at February 11, 2004 01:54 PM
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