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February 29, 2004
"Houston, We Have A Landing"
You may remember a previous entry on my site titled Kidney Stones Suck!!! Well, the picture you are looking at above is a 3x magnification of a stone I passed this Saturday. It is in a ziploc bag on my vintage 50's formica kitchen table. It looks like an asteroid or some sort of fool's gold nugget. Surprisingly, given all the pain I have been in, it's passing was not that painful (lucky for me!). I have a suspicious feeling this is not the entire stone, as my evening afterwards was unfortunately quite painful. I also received news on Wednesday that I have another stone right in the middle of my right kidney. Apparantly this one pictured above has friends, and they are beginning to get angry about their friend's disappearance. So tomorrow I will be missing another day of work to have a dye contrast test to see whether or not I will be having surgery on Thursday. A part of me believes that if my doctor had taken my pains more seriously two years ago instead of telling me it was "all stress related and in my head" that I would not be going through all of this right now. At least in the grand scheme of things it is all fairly minor.
Posted by ahuckle at February 29, 2004 02:24 PM
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