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February 19, 2004
"Here Is The Story, Of A Lovely Lady..."
I just saw the funniest commercial on t.v. for Swiffer! It had Alice from the "Brady Bunch", Benson Dubois from "Benson", Florence from "The Jeffersons", Rosario from "Will and Grace" and the butler from "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" all at a resort doing all these crazy things beacuse they don't have to clean anymore because of Swiffer! Alice was doing back-flips off a super high diving board, The Fresh Prince butler was in the pool with Florence and he took off her bikini top, Benson was having drinks, and Rosario was parasailing! It was so surreal and hysterical! I can't wait to see it again, which is something I never say about commercials.
Posted by ahuckle at February 19, 2004 02:14 PM
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