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February 02, 2004
Gettin' Booby With it!
Well, I am probably one of very few people who did not see Justin Timberlake flash Janet Jackson's breast to millions of people worldwide last night. I'm sure I will have multiple chances to see it all over every tabloid news show, news network, and most likely a Dateline special too! It seems CBS, MTV, Justin and Janet are all apologizing, saying it was a "wardrobe accident", but CNN reported that Janet had a silver pasty on over her nipple. Now tell me, how many people put on pasties "just in case" their breast is exposed?
My "sources" tell me it was not a pasty, but some sort nipple ring.
Posted by ahuckle at February 2, 2004 10:46 AM
i don't even think it qualifies as a pastie! i was examining a photo in the paper today and it is more of an inverted nipple ring or something. i could clearly see nipple -- something i do not want to see with my morning coffee or on a hag like janet jackson!
Posted by: lena at February 2, 2004 10:53 AM
Yeah, there's NO WAY that was an accident. I believe that CBS had no idea about it (this IS the network that refused to air the "highly controversial" moveon.org ad during the Super Bowl), but I'm sure MTV knew what was going on, despite them both being owned my Viacom.
At first I was thinking that maybe it was a pointy pasty that she was wearing to look better in her vinyl getup, but that thing had a tassle on it! It was totally decorative, and there's no way she had those on if she wasn't planning on showing em. I don't care that Janet looked shocked afterwards. It's not like she can't act, I've seen her on Diff'rent Strokes!
As you can tell, we've been putting a lot of time into analyzing the video. Important work!
Posted by: Anna at February 2, 2004 10:54 AM
This just in: Lena is correct, it was NOT a pasty! It was a really weird nipple ring.
"The moment was made even more memorable, and shocking to some, because Jackson's breast was adorned with a sun-shaped metal ring that pierced the nipple."
Posted by: Anna at February 2, 2004 11:05 AM
OH MY GOD!!! Well, hmmm, that puts a new spin on things.
Posted by: Adam at February 2, 2004 12:17 PM
Very clear photos (don't say I didn't warn you!):
Posted by: Anna at February 2, 2004 12:48 PM
oh lordy! well am i glad for you two. it's nice to discuss something beside the homer simpson/visa ad with people today!
Posted by: lena at February 2, 2004 02:06 PM
I looked at those photos Anna, that is quite the nipple ring!
Posted by: Adam at February 2, 2004 02:48 PM
How old is she these days? That nipple looks disgusting, btw. The older I get, the less I care about sex, but that was repulsive to me.
Posted by: Nate at February 2, 2004 04:14 PM
I looked it up- She's 38 this year. It was not an attractive nipple, but I believe she has ruined her face as well through plastic surgery just like the rest of her siblings.
Posted by: Adam at February 2, 2004 05:58 PM
It really says something that Randy is currently the hottest of the Jackson kids. LaToya scares the hell out of me.
Posted by: Anna at February 3, 2004 01:00 PM
the thing about them all getting that freaky surgery is they stay looking like a family. randy looks not related to them, and he's the only regular faced one of the bunch.
Posted by: lena at February 3, 2004 03:36 PM
I agree with both of you! Latoya is a little too crazy-eyed for my taste, she looks like she's gonna flip any second, and her rapid, breathy voice only adds to that feeling. Maybe Randy is some sort of outcast, and that is why he doesn't join in the surgery fest! Have you seen Michael's nephews, the ones who have a band? I don't know which Jackson is their dad, but they all look freaky too!
Posted by: Adam at February 3, 2004 05:08 PM
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