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February 15, 2004
Business In The Front, Party In The Back
I just finished watching a very interesting documentary on Trio called "American Mullet" about one of the worlds most loathed, feared, unsettling and by some, loved haircuts, the Mullet. Believe it or not, there are a large amount of people in the world who are very proud of their mullets, and an even greater number who despise them! This documentary covered people of all types from all over the country who have mullets, and their reasons for having them. Many didn't want to be labeled by society, they wanted to be rebellious. some said it made them a part of nature, how that is I'm not quite sure. A particularly strange young woman, said it makes people think she is a rock star, and that people confuse her for Pat Benetar and Joan Jett all the time. I think those two ladies would be very upset to learn this. There were actually a lot of people in the documentary who believed having a mullet made people view them as a rock star. Another man profiled made his living as a Billy Ray Cyrus look-a-like, and had even one a trip to Dollywood! He said he would fall into a deep state of depression if he were to cut his mullet, that it is a part of his identity. I guess these people are like everyone else, they do not want to be judged by their appearance, or so they say. I am skeptical of this. I believe if you are going to wear a haircut that hideous, perhaps part of you secretly wants to be judged. If that's the case, then so be it. You should check out Wesley Willis' fabulous song "Cut The Mullet". It will give you a whole new perspective on the mullet.
Posted by ahuckle at February 15, 2004 03:12 PM
I saw that, too. I kept trying to get Monica to come out and watch it, but she was blabbing on the phone.
It was weird to see people rationalizing their mullets and to see people actually taking the time to comment on them.
If anyone interviewed me for that film, I'd just be like, "Yeah, it's so uncool it's going to be cool again soon, if it isn't already with some people. The mullet hunter thing was funny for about 5 seconds, other than that, it's just stupid."
I actually agreed with the people who were saying that classism and sexism aren't acceptable anymore, so people find new ways to mock and hate.
De ja vu. I feel like I've had this conversation before! Anyway, yeah, I sort of sided with the mulletheads, although I agree that it must be difficult to find work with that haircut.
Posted by: Nate at February 16, 2004 05:19 PM
It's true, people will always find a way to mock and hate and judge, I experience that alot. The whole craze about mullets is dying, but they are just so weird that I am intrigued by them. They are so aesthetically un-pleasing.
Posted by: Adam at February 17, 2004 03:38 PM
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. I wasn't trying to come off all high and mighty. I'm not above the occasional mullet comment myself (or anything else). I just think the website and the movie are a bit much... though I enjoyed both to some degree.
So, what I'm saying is that I'm a hypocrite.
Posted by: nate at February 17, 2004 10:52 PM
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