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January 15, 2004

Spalding Gray

It's terrible about actor Spalding Gray being reported missing. I can't imagine what his family must be going through. Although his film roles have been supporting ones, he has always been instantly recognizable to me, and I have enjoyed his performances. I hope there is some closure to the case soon. There has always been something terribly disturbing to me about the term "missing" and its implications in general. Maybe that's why I am a bit of a control freak, I can't stand loose ends!

Posted by ahuckle at January 15, 2004 11:10 PM


Ya know, I'm pretty out of it because I don't know who this guy is and everyone else seems to. I'm pretty bad with famous people, but this guy sounds like an "underground artist" and I'm kind of better with those types of famous people. The weird thing is I'm positive I saw that film on IFC a few weeks ago that he is most famous for (the one the media keeps showing 3 seconds of). He was sitting at a desk and talking directly to the camera forever. I watched for about 20 minutes in amused disgust before I turned it. I trust he's better than I gave him credit for? I feel bad for the guy, don't get me wrong.

Posted by: Nate at January 15, 2004 11:24 PM

I have seen him in cameo parts, and while I can't say I was astounded by his skill, he is just one of those people who has somehow managed to burn their way into my brain. I guess that is why this story has struck a nerve with me. Have you ever noticed how some people do that, regardless of what they do? Then something happens to them, and it just makes you stop and think, unlike all the other shit that happens every day.

Posted by: Adam at January 15, 2004 11:33 PM

Yeah, I know what you mean... like when Arnold Schwarzenegger become Governor? Ha! No, seriously, that did make me stop and think, though.

Posted by: Nate at January 15, 2004 11:51 PM

("become" = the way idiots say "became")

Posted by: Nate at January 15, 2004 11:52 PM

Another person who was always like that for me was Quentin Crisp. I never saw him in anything except "Drugstore Cowboy", and I don't believe I read any of his stuff, but he was always burned into my brain. I did see him in person though once outside of Tower Records on Broadway before he died.

Posted by: Adam at January 16, 2004 10:30 AM

Adam, he totally burned into my brain,too. I think my intro to SG was in Ms. LaRoech's English, I believe he was a narrator in a production of Our Town we suffered through. I've always hated the play because she wanted us to stand and read a portion, and because I sat in the front row(next to Whit or Annie I believe) I was sure everyone would be staring at my fat ass and hyperventilated or something, earning derision from Jenny and a referral to the school psychologist?

Posted by: Adrienne at January 17, 2004 02:22 PM

How insensitive. But how does it affect me?! Anyway, I've been inordinately preoccupied with his status too. Quite creeped out. He has a 6 year old son. Sad.

Posted by: Adrienne at January 17, 2004 02:24 PM

Oh My God! I totally forgot that he narrated Our Town Adri! I do remember her having us stand and read though. That was actually one of the few things in highschool that did not bother me! Today however, it would probably be a different story!

Posted by: Adam at January 18, 2004 11:05 AM

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