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January 21, 2004

Move On!

I urge all of you who are interested in political change and maybe want answers as to how the hell our country has gotten into the political state it's in to check out MoveOn.org Democracy in Action. I find it an interesting and informative site for someone like myself, who admittedly is not completely politically saavy, but is interested in what is going on. I do care about my country and our government, and am tired of sitting through the bald face lies of our current administration. Especially check out the contest winners from the Bush in 30 Seconds contest! There are some really good and thought provoking ads that made the contest. So, sorry to sound "preachy", but check these out if you get a chance! Hopefully the next election will see some much needed changes.

Posted by ahuckle at January 21, 2004 10:06 PM


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