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January 28, 2004
Is Anyone Out There?
Apparantly, the second Mars rover Opportunity is having technical problems as well. This leads me to a perplexing question: Is it insane to think that perhaps, just perhaps, there may be something on Mars playing a colossal joke on us? Maybe everytime the camera on one of those rovers is facing the other way, something tinkers with them just a little, enough to leave them semi-functioning, but also enough to torture hundreds of NASA scientists who have spent millions of dollars to send those little remotes to Mars in the first place. I know I would do it.
Posted by ahuckle at January 28, 2004 07:22 PM
All of this Mars crap pisses me off so completely. I'm GLAD the things are malfunctioning, perhaps this will encourage the government to not spend buffillions (my favorite denomination, by the way) of dollars on space exploration. It just makes NO sense at all. Bleh.
Posted by: Anna at January 29, 2004 10:16 AM
Also, I always picture alien life form looking like the dudes in Mars Attacks, so I'd be really disappointed if all they found was evidence of, like, amoebas having lived there at one time.
If it can't wear a bubble helmet and fire a ray gun, I'm not interested.
Posted by: Anna at January 29, 2004 10:21 AM
I agree with some space exploration, but not with the amount of money they spend while so many things could be done with it here on earth. And I picture alien life looking like those mars attacks people, or like the alien in the hanger on The Simpsons, the one where Sideshow Bob had the atom bomb and was hiding in the Duff Blimp. When the military men opened the hanger and they say "Look out, he has his probe!!" I always die laughing!
Posted by: Adam at January 29, 2004 12:26 PM
It's important that we destroy the earth and colonize Mars. Also, we need to crash more plutonium-powered space junk into the unexploded star, Jupiter, like we did back in September. Surely, that is a wise move.
Posted by: Nate at January 29, 2004 03:08 PM
I agree with you Nate, those are very important objectives that should be at the top of everyone's list. Could you refresh me on the Jupiter incident?
Posted by: Adam at January 29, 2004 03:38 PM
They smashed Galileo into Jupiter, which is kind of funny since everyone was freaking out when the Shoemaker Levy comet smashed into it back in 1994. If Jupiter explodes, we'll have two suns.
Posted by: Nate at January 29, 2004 04:09 PM
And one of those suns would be very close! I don't think I can afford the sunscreen for that!
Posted by: Adam at January 29, 2004 04:28 PM
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