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January 26, 2004
Home Sweet Home
Well, I have been promising people for a while that I would let them see pictures of my new house. I figured rather than send out a ton of e-mails, I would post the pics on here so people could see them. So here are three pictures of the exterior. I will update again in a couple of weeks with some interior pictures. Some background on the house: It was built in 1812, and is one of the oldest sandstone houses in Potsdam NY. It has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It is in excellent condition and just needs some cosmetic updating on the interior. If you look in the bottom right corner of the last picture, you can see some of my garage. Hope you enjoy, I will post more soon!
Posted by ahuckle at January 26, 2004 04:22 PM
Heeeeeeeeey! Look at me, posting a comment. :P I guess when I open your website using Netscape, I can't post....something screwy happens. Internet Explorer rules!!
*Ahem*...anyway, I'm feeling nostalgic looking at the pictures of your house. What a rockin' New Year's we all had at your par-taaaaaaaay.
Miss you! I love the website so far, and shall be visiting/posting much more frequently. You know, now that I know how.
Posted by: Sara at January 26, 2004 05:12 PM
Yayyyyy!! Yeah, I don't like Netscape, they do screwy things to websites, part of their ploy to get you to use all there stuff or something like that. Yes, New Year's Eve was very fun, hopefully I can have an even bigger party next year. Miss you too, looking forward to more posts from you!
Posted by: Adam at January 26, 2004 05:52 PM
So, you have a bigger house than your brother, who has two children and a girl (yes?). How's he feel about that? :)
Nice house! I love the stone/brick/whatever. It looks kind of like some of the houses around here except for the eagle and the big lawn. I bet Monica would like a house like that. I better make sure she never sees this.
Posted by: Nate at January 26, 2004 10:24 PM
Alan really likes the house, althougth I don't know how much he would be into buying an older home for himself. Plus only one of his sons livs with him, the other lives with his mother in Syracuse. The eagle was on it when I bought it, but I will probably leave it there. Be careful, or soon you will buying a house too!
Posted by: Adam at January 27, 2004 07:53 AM
We totally want a house. Anybody who doesn't want a house is probably an idiot.
Posted by: Nate at January 27, 2004 10:07 AM
Where do you want a house?
Posted by: Adam at January 27, 2004 12:18 PM
Adam, it's beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures of the interior. I totally wish I could come up to visit and help out with the "cosmetic updating". :) Is the back of the house (with the painted siding) an addition? Is that a sunroom, or what?
And look at you, decorating for Christmas at your own house for the first time. Awww.
I want a house sooooo bad. Less than one year to go, hopefully!
Posted by: Anna at January 27, 2004 12:33 PM
p.s. I guess you worked out the problem with posting the images! I'm sorry I didn't reply to your email on Friday, I meant to do it when I got home and then totally forgot until just now...eep.
Posted by: Anna at January 27, 2004 12:34 PM
The addition on the back has vinyl siding. It is a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, dining room and breakfast room with an enclosed porch. The breakfast room is almost like a sun room, as it has large windows. That's ok about the e-mail, it was a problem with the image i was trying to upload. How do you do the thing that you do when you show an image and then say "there's more" and a new page comes up? I really would like you and Evan to come and visit sometime!
Posted by: Adam at January 27, 2004 01:42 PM
Well, I really wouldn't want to buy a house in NYC at all, so... I won't be buying a house anytime soon. I suppose if we scrape up the cash, we could wrap up all our combined debt into a cute little house in Astoria with no intentions of keeping it. I think after 5 years or something, you can sell it and make a profit... or something.
I really have no idea where I want to live out the remainder of my life or what I want to do with it. I think it's pretty cool that other people my age and younger already have houses, wives, children, etc. or a nice nestegg. I don't really see any of that in my near future.
Posted by: Nate at January 27, 2004 02:01 PM
Well, I don't have kids, and my nest egg is empty, but I do like being a home owner, and not throwing my money away on rent. What other areas do you two think of living in?
Posted by: Adam at January 27, 2004 02:24 PM
That must be so nice to have that extra space on the back of the house. I would love to have an enclosed front or back porch with loads of sunlight. My main requirement when house-hunting is WINDOWS.
I don't know when we can come and visit. Maybe this summer while you're on vacation (that must be nice...)? We could come up and maybe combine it with a trip to Montreal. By then we won't be living in the city anymore, so we'll have a car.
Oh, and to do that thing you're talking about with the link to see more:
- main text/images go in the "Entry Body" field
- the extra text/images go in the "Extended Entry" field.
By default the link to see more says something like "continue reading (title of entry)", but you can change that in the template for the index page. Look for the "MTEntryIfExtended" tag, and make it whatever you want. :) Let me know if this doesn't make sense....
Posted by: Anna at January 27, 2004 02:44 PM
We've thought of living in the Westchester area or Connecticut, Texas, California (recently decided "no" on that), Arizona or Vancouver. None of those ideas is really feasible at the moment, though. A lot depends on the economy and my line of work in general. A lot of design studios (print AND web) closed up shop over the last 3 years. Even temp agencies dropped designers from their list, saying, "Yeah, that market dried right up... can you type?"
Posted by: Nate at January 27, 2004 03:25 PM
Anna- Thank you, that makes sense to me, will try that out. This summer would be awesome, I am only 2 hours away from Montreal, a combined trip would be awesome!
Nate- Those all seem like cool areas, I don't know a lot about them except for Westchester, and I would never live there again unless I was very wealthy! I knew a lot of design studios had closed, I wasn't sure if that trend was continueing or if things were looking up. Sounds like you are lucky to have a decent place to work!
Posted by: Adam at January 27, 2004 04:04 PM
Nate, do you work in Manhattan? If you're employed and are looking for a nice place within commuting distance, check out Beacon. DIA just opened a museum there last Spring, and it's filled with little shops and galleries now. Lots of artists setting up shop. Very nice town, and Metro North stops there -- just over an hour to Grand Central. You can buy a nice house there for $200-$300k, or a condo on the Hudson (walking distance to the train) for $150k....and I wouldn't be surprised if the value of homes there quadruples in the next decade.
Posted by: Anna at January 27, 2004 04:16 PM
Yeah maybe. That's not bad at all, but I can't imagine living that far out of the city within the next 4 years. Makes sense, though, instead of flushing my money down the toilet on rent each month.
Posted by: Nate at January 27, 2004 05:08 PM
woops, where are my manners?-- btw, thanks for the tip!
Posted by: Nate at January 27, 2004 05:10 PM
your house looks so great! i'm so jealous!!!! let me know when you have pictures of the interior
Posted by: jen at February 24, 2004 04:22 PM
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