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January 24, 2004

Helmut Newton 1921-2004

Helmut Newton the famous and often controversial fashion photographer, died Friday in Los Angeles at the age of 83 after an apparent car crash caused by a heart attack. Newton was best known for his fashion work and nude female photographs, often done in shocking locations or involving shocking props, such as wheelchairs or leg braces. He was one of my early photographic inspirations, not necessarily for his subject matter, but for the spirit and often surreal nature of his work, which I found fascinating. His style and influence can be found among many photographers still working today.

Posted by ahuckle at January 24, 2004 12:58 PM


You're a source of much photographical historicalness. Last night, Jennifer Tilly (or whatever her name is -- or possibly somebody else entirely) was on Leno (or Conan or Greg Stillborn -- my memory is really excellent) and she mentioned that she wanted David LaChapelle to do their wedding.

And I said, "HEY! I know that guy is not just a french version of the black comedian Dave Chapelle, thanks to Adam!"

Now, I am learning about yet another apparently famous person who died before I even heard of him.

Posted by: Nate at January 24, 2004 02:05 PM

Glad I can be a source of knowledge. But, you have to remember, I majored in photography, and you didn't, so that is why you may not have heard of these people. There are a lot of graphic designers you know that I'm certain I don't.

Posted by: Adam at January 24, 2004 04:08 PM

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