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January 23, 2004
Goodbye Captain Kangaroo
I am saddened to write that this morning, Captain Kangaroo, also known as Bob Keeshan, died in Vermont at the age of 76 apparantly after a long illness. I used to watch the Captain Kangaroo show every morning when I was a child, and always found comfort in his cheerful disposition and colorful assortment of characters. The two I remember the most vividly were Mr. Moose and of course, Mr. Green Jeans. I never grew tired of watching all the ping-pong balls fall from the ceiling onto Mr. Moose. It saddens me to think that the quality of children's t.v. has gone so far down hill, and that the passing of icons Captain Kangaroo and Fred Rogers leaves a gigantic hole that no one seems eager to try to fill. Captain Kangaroo will be greatly missed.
Posted by ahuckle at January 23, 2004 04:52 PM
WOW! well written!
Posted by: Nick at January 23, 2004 08:29 PM
Thank you very much Nick.
Posted by: Adam at January 23, 2004 10:27 PM
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