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January 14, 2004


I cannot believe how cold it is today!! When I went out to warm up my car this morning, it was like my whole system just went instantly numb in defense! According to my thermometer, it was -20 when I got up at 6. I hope it at least makes it to zero before I go home this afternoon.

Posted by ahuckle at January 14, 2004 08:02 AM


Yes, but at least you got to get into a CAR! I had to walk to the subway...poor, poor me. My thighs were like fozen chicken cutlets out there.

Posted by: Anna at January 14, 2004 01:19 PM

Well, my face almost fell off the minute I walked outside. But yes, at least I didn't have to walk to the subway, I couldn't imagine walking any distance in this weather.

Posted by: Adam at January 14, 2004 01:33 PM

You think that's cold? I had to get a front tooth removed and an implant embedded into my jaw! Now that's cold. I mean, if "cold" means "the suck" and not "the temperature."

If I bust the crown, I look like a hillbilly.

Posted by: Nate at January 14, 2004 08:21 PM

That does suck Nate! Why on Earth did you have to get a front tooth removed?

Posted by: Adam at January 14, 2004 08:55 PM

I had to get it removed because it was destroyed during my many years of braces. Apparently, when you have your teeth under serious stress, sometimes the tension can just kill the tooth. Either that or some severe trauma to the tooth... but I never had a severe trauma, so it must've been the braces.

Odd that I never needed a root canal (typical procedure for a dead tooth) and then all of a sudden a root canal was not even a possibility. There was no root to "canal." I'm glad I never had a gray or rotten-looking tooth, at least. I'm also glad that I got 2 dentists' opinions for $5. I'm a talker, I tell ya. I wanted to make sure it really HAD to come out before I just pulled out a front tooth.

Also, I guess it's better to have a steel screw embedded into your jaw, rather than a disgusting dead tooth filled with cement. Plus, root canals are painful (from what I hear) and having a tooth pulled actually feels good! I had an abscess tooth removed when I was 6 or 7 and I remember thinking it felt cool back then. Feels just as cool at 29. Plus, I got 20 Vicodin which I abused over 4 days! That stuff is dangerous. I could easily get addicted to it.

BTW, it just got really damn cold here, too. I think I'll work from home tomorrow if it's really nasty out.

Posted by: Nate at January 15, 2004 12:18 AM

Nate, I had almost the exact same thing happen to one of my front teeth a few years ago! Unfortunately, in my case it lead to a massive abscess that took over the entire roof of my mouth, and much surgery was required to fix the damage. Incredibly, they were able to save the tooth! It's dead, but they hollowed it out and bleached it from the inside (and yes, then they cemented it up) and you can't even tell now. 3+ years of procedures. I got Percoset, though, not Vicodin.

Welcome to Adam's dental horror site!

Posted by: Anna at January 15, 2004 10:39 AM

God, how come I never get Vicoden or Percoset???? I did just get some unpronouncable horse pill from my doctor for my kidny thing, and let me tell you, I take one and I'm like Ozzy Osbourne! I can also see how it would be so easy to get addicted to them.
Nate, I can't imagine a tooth being pulled feeling good, but I am a fanatic about teeth, so I will take your word for it. I guess you are somewhat bionic now with your steel implant!

Posted by: Adam at January 15, 2004 11:09 AM

Anna, that sounds painful-- and now I am sorry I referred to the root canal procedure as a "disgusting dead tooth filled with cement." You know I was just trying to make myself feel good about a fake front tooth. Percocet must be wonderful since that's what they give cancer patients!

Adam, yes it is bionic. Only problem is the crown is porcelain. So, despite the wicked awesome biting power of the bionic implant, it is only as strong as its weakest link, the porcelain crown. True, I could bite through rocks, theoretically, but in reality, I bet the porcelain crown will break on an overcooked meal at some important public function.

Posted by: Nate at January 15, 2004 01:37 PM

I love that Anna, "Adam's Dental Horror Site"!
I have thought of getting porcelain veneers, but people say I am silly, so I guess I will not.

Posted by: Adam at January 15, 2004 02:48 PM

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