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January 19, 2004

"A grown-man baby"

If you are not watching Curb Your Enthusiasm you should be! It is one of the funniest t.v. shows on cable. It stars Larry David, the creator of Seinfeld, and is about his life, kind of a mockumentary. It's like Seinfeld on angel dust! Sunday nights at 9:30. The show just gets more and more twisted!

Posted by ahuckle at January 19, 2004 11:46 AM


Love that show. But, that "Seinfeld on angel dust" description falls into my "Use Other Words, Please" category. "[Thing] on [drug]" is bad enough, but angel dust? Come on now, it's not like Larry David is walking around in a haze thinking he's the Incredible Hulk! You're going to give people the wrong idear here.

BTW, after years of not watching Seinfeld, I started watching 'em again , thanks to CYE, and I find them pretty enjoyable once again. Not great, but pretty good.

Another great show is The Office and Coupling is good, too, on BBC America.

Posted by: Nate at January 21, 2004 03:04 PM

I will try to think of better descriptions in the future, my apologies. I enjoy the occasional Seinfeld re-run, I have not seen the other shows you mentioned, but I did see the American version of Coupling, which was hideous!! And for all I know, Larry David could be walking around on angel dust.

Posted by: Adam at January 21, 2004 03:56 PM

Yeah, I saw half of one episode of the American version of Coupling. Not good.

But did you ever see the English version of Three's Company? America did that one better, I think.

Posted by: Nate at January 21, 2004 04:15 PM

... And since I'm thinking about it, you know what pisses me off? Nobody I have ever worked with likes Curb Your Enthusiasm. Fucking jerks act so high and mighty about not being able to stand Larry David's jerkiness and sit through a whole episode,but if they actually waited until the end of the episode, they'd see what was so funny about it, since it all ties up in the end. Hate them.

Posted by: Nate at January 21, 2004 04:18 PM

I have never seen the British version of Three's Company, didn't know there was one/ And I know people too who say they can't stand to watch Curb, and I feel like saying "What is wrong with you"?

Posted by: Adam at January 21, 2004 04:41 PM

Yeah, people who don't like "Curbed" need to be curbed (see: "American History X").

Three's A Crowd was the US adaptation of the British sitcom Robin's Nest spun-off from Three's Company the US version of Man About The House (The premise was all but identical to the British Robin's Nest - see entry for details.) Here, the lead character, Jack Tripper, fell for a sexy flight attendant named Vicky and they lived together, unmarried, above the restaurant, Jack's Bistro, which they jointly owned with Vicky's disapproving father, James (played by Robert Mandan, Chester Tate in Soap . The fourth character - a one-armed Irish dishwasher in Robin's Nest - was a local surfing dude, E Z (pronounced 'easy' in American), who was Jack's assistant chef. The restaurant was located not in Fulham but in Ocean Vista, California.

Three's A Crowd was much less successful than Three's Company and lasted only 22 episodes compared to its parent show's 169. Just six of the 22 were screened by London-area ITV, all deep into the night.


Posted by: Nate at January 21, 2004 06:22 PM

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